Jake Shears

Jake Shears

Last Man Dancing, Jake Shears’ most recent album, turned his lifelong love affair with club culture into his most ambitious pop music to date. The album was brought to vivid life by Jake Shears and a close crew of collaborators, including head-turning features from Kylie Minogue, Jane Fonda, Amber Martin, and a pre-Renaissance turn from the iconic Big Freedia.

In a polymathic career the Scissor Sisters’ front-man variously takes in multi-million global album sales, Brits, Ivor Novellos, an acclaimed memoir, a Broadway show, plus his Olivier-Award-winning musical ‘Tammy Faye’, Jake Shears’ pull to keep moving has remained one constant: whether in the heat of the dance floor, or in creating cathartic and unconventional art. With work that still speaks evenly to outsiders and the masses, Jake Shears is currently performing in the West End in Cabaret at the Kit Kat Club.

  • Too Much Music
  • I Used to Be in Love
  • Last Man Dancing

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